¿Is This Word Also Stupid?
See the front page of today's Citizen. Now, in addition to "metrosexuals" (see "Words'worth" on this blog, Oct. 10, 2005), we have "Ubersexuals." (I assume that given the linguistic provenance of the noun, it ought to be capitalized in all cases.) The Citizen reports that "Ubersexuals are the most attractive (not just physically), most dynamic, and most compelling men of their generations. They are confident, masculine, stylish, and committed to uncompromising quality in all areas of life," according to Marian Salzman, the New York advertising executive who invented the word. Apparently, "Ubersexual numero uno" in the world today is U2's Bono, because "he's global, socially aware, confident, and compassionate, and he commands a huge base of followers who are fans of his music and his humanitarianism." In addition, though, "any man who wants to reconnect with his masculinity ... can also be one."
(For the record, I, unlike Ms. Salzman, am not sexist. I firmly believe that any woman who wants to reconnect with her masculinity ought to be able to be one too.)
In addition to Bono, I think both John and Vladimir Ilyich Lennon/Lenin would be excellent candidates (albeit dead ones) for the title. Maybe it's something to do with the last name. During the period of Глáсность (Glasnost), under Михайл Горбачёв (Mikhael Gorbachev), it was revealed that Иосиф Сталин (Josef Stalin), at the time of his death, in 1953, was in the midst of a five-year plan to transform himself into a Hадсексуальный (Ubersexual). The late pope, † John Paul II †, was clearly an Ubersexual: who could possibly have been more global, socially aware, confident, and compassionate (in his own way, that is), and have commanded such a large number of followers who were fans of his humanitarianism and his music? (John-Paul wrote more #1 hit songs than any other composers in history, including such spirituals as "She Loves You," "Help!" and "I Want to Hold Your Hand.") The current Pope, † His Holiness Benedict XVI †, is the first German Übersexuellpapst since Victor II in 1057. Der Führer, Adolf Hitler, was ein Übersexuellübermensch: probably the most dynamic and compelling man of his generation; supremely confident, masculine, and committed to uncompromising quality in all areas of life (and death); global, socially aware, and with a massive following. Harry Potter is also an obvious Ubersexual. So, for that matter, is † Jesus † (I don't know how much material there is on his sense of style, but I have seen some pictures of him with a pretty chic cross on his back). And evidently Captain Salamander is right up there. ¿Can anybody think of any other famous Ubersexuals? ¿Are any of you latent Ubersexuals, just biding your time, waiting for the right moment to come out of the closet and declare yourselves? ¡Deprive us not any longer!
(For the record, I, unlike Ms. Salzman, am not sexist. I firmly believe that any woman who wants to reconnect with her masculinity ought to be able to be one too.)
In addition to Bono, I think both John and Vladimir Ilyich Lennon/Lenin would be excellent candidates (albeit dead ones) for the title. Maybe it's something to do with the last name. During the period of Глáсность (Glasnost), under Михайл Горбачёв (Mikhael Gorbachev), it was revealed that Иосиф Сталин (Josef Stalin), at the time of his death, in 1953, was in the midst of a five-year plan to transform himself into a Hадсексуальный (Ubersexual). The late pope, † John Paul II †, was clearly an Ubersexual: who could possibly have been more global, socially aware, confident, and compassionate (in his own way, that is), and have commanded such a large number of followers who were fans of his humanitarianism and his music? (John-Paul wrote more #1 hit songs than any other composers in history, including such spirituals as "She Loves You," "Help!" and "I Want to Hold Your Hand.") The current Pope, † His Holiness Benedict XVI †, is the first German Übersexuellpapst since Victor II in 1057. Der Führer, Adolf Hitler, was ein Übersexuellübermensch: probably the most dynamic and compelling man of his generation; supremely confident, masculine, and committed to uncompromising quality in all areas of life (and death); global, socially aware, and with a massive following. Harry Potter is also an obvious Ubersexual. So, for that matter, is † Jesus † (I don't know how much material there is on his sense of style, but I have seen some pictures of him with a pretty chic cross on his back). And evidently Captain Salamander is right up there. ¿Can anybody think of any other famous Ubersexuals? ¿Are any of you latent Ubersexuals, just biding your time, waiting for the right moment to come out of the closet and declare yourselves? ¡Deprive us not any longer!